Saturday, October 4, 2008


Friday, October 3, 2008, Cousin Mark Fox's house, Ardmore, Pennsylvania
Today we did quite a few things. We got up kind of early. Steve came by before work and gave us some jackets for the trip. Sarah, Vicky, John, and I went fishing in the morning. We caught some perch using bread. They bite pretty good in the pond using anything. Later in the morning we said goodbye to Mrs. Isles and headed to Independence Hall in Philadelphia, where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were signed. We had to pick up tickets in the visitor center and when we got there, we found ourselves in the midst of a big bagel fair/competition. Samples everywhere. Delicious. We stocked up and brought a bag with us. At Independence Hall, a tour guide showed us around the famous building. Then we saw the Liberty Bell. Finally, we visited the Rocky statue and ran up the stairs where he did his training in the movie. After all of that, we drove to my cousin Mark's house and met his wife Kathy and daughter Caroline. They have a nice home and made us feel very welcome and cooked a delicious barbecue dinner. Plenty to eat. I hadn't seen Mark since the last family reunion in 1997. We caught up on the family news and watched a movie. The kids had a blast in the basement playroom playing pool and Foosball. We all had nice bedrooms to sleep in and took showers.

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