Sunday, June 15, 2008


Sunday, 6-8-08, Coastside Baptist Church, Half Moon Bay, CA
We got an early start, around 6:30, but the wind was already starting to blow. Nevertheless, it was a nice ride, clear with beautiful scenery along the Pacific coast. Since we had eaten all of our food except for some peanuts and Gatorade the night before, we were hungry and were looking forward to getting to Half Moon Bay to eat. However, there was a pretty big climb out of San Gregorio Beach. We made it though and pedaled the whole way. A few miles outside of Half Moon Bay we spied a big fruit stand. To sum it up everyone found that they enjoyed fruits and vegetables way more than they ever had before, especially Willie. Most had never tasted raw sweet corn. What a healthy delicious treat! We wanted to make it to make it to a church service that morning but it was already getting late in the morning. A fireman directed us to Coastside Baptist Church across the street. When we arrived, the service had already begun, so I walked up to see about the time of the evening service, but Joe, one of the members, insisted that we come in. We met nice people there. They invited us to stay for the pot luck after the service. After that, Kimo Sloan helped us a lot and gave me a great tour of Half Moon Bay. After the evening service, Pastor Orlicky for invited us to spend the night in the church. It was a great time thanks to all those people. 34 miles.

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