Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Monday, July 21, 2008, Cozy Comfort RV Park, Dolores, Colorado
I got up around 7:30 and took a walk around town near the campground. After eating cereal, the four oldest children and I went to the library and I updated the blog. We could only stay till around 10:30 because we had to go back to the hospital in Cortez to fill out some paperwork for yesterday’s visit. After that, we went to the library where I did more work on the blog. Unfortunately, it’s often impossible for me to upload pictures to the blogsite because the libraries have restrictions on CD use and I don’t have the right cord to connect from the computer to the camera. That’s why I have so few pictures on the website. Since we were in Cortez, we stopped again at Walmart and bought shoes for John and sandals for Vicky and three ½ gallons of ice-cream for everyone; we ate at the same spot as yesterday, in the shade under the tree and wolfed it down directly from the carton, all nine of us. It reminded me of watching one of those National Geographic specials featuring the lifestyles of African lions in the wild devouring a recent kill, heads buried deep in the carcass, each crowding the others out to get as much as possible. In a few minutes, two of the half gallons were gone. When we arrived back in Dolores, the kids went back to the library and I started the fire to grill the chicken. Once the fire was going, I picked up Paul, Vicky, and John and we went fishing. Vicky caught the only keeper, a bass, but I hooked a BIG fish that broke the line; the drag was set too tight. Too bad; it was probably the biggest fish I ever hooked in a lake. When we arrived back at the camp, we met Chris, a cyclist from London who was heading the same direction as we were, so we invited him for dinner and showed him our bike maps, which were better than the one he was using. The kids enjoyed listening to his accent.

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