Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Sunday, August 17, 2008, Sparrowfoot Campground, Clinton, Missouri
We woke up pretty early to go to a church service. I thought it would be nice if the kids attended a Church of Christ service since their great-grandparents were missionaries with the Church of Christ and it would be good for them to be a little familiar with it. We arrived on time, unusual for us, for Sunday school at 9:00 am and stayed for the main service at 10:00 am. There was communion and all the songs were sung without musical accompaniment. We met some nice people there. Marilyn, one of the members who cycles, told us we could come to her shop and have her son Sam look at Vicky’s troublesome crank and any other problems. So we decided to take a break from riding until tomorrow in order to fix up the bikes. We went back to the camp to grill up the rest of the catfish – delicious. Later Vicky, John, Willie, and I went swimming in the lake – warm. After that we tried fishing, but no luck. Oh, by the way, any mail can be sent to the following address:
Bill Fox
General Delivery
Yorkstown, Virginia

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