Saturday, September 27, 2008


Sunday, September 21, 2008, Castillo's Garage, Newport News, Virginia
Today, Mr. Castillo brought over breakfast for everyone from Burger King. He also gave each of the children money. So nice. Later we went to to the First Baptist Church and it was an unusual experience for us. The pastor called us up in front and prayed for us and our journey. The congregation participated a lot in the sermon and chimed in on many occasions with "Halleluyah," "Amen," or some other affirmation. Lots of singing and even some dancing, voter registration and eating after the service. After the benediction, one of the members offered to take me to a bike shop and the trailer store because I mentioned I was interested in maybe buying a cheaper trailer in Virginia rather than wait until Maine where they would probably be more expensive. Later we drove the kids to the Barnes and Nobles and Gloria and I went to Best Buy to receive our camera which would replace the unrepairable one we sent in for repairs in Clarksville, Indiana. The new one was a much better camera. Later we drove to Williamsburg to see the historic sites and then to Jamestown. When it got late, we ate four Little Caesar's pizzas, (not enough, we need five now to feed our family). So we stopped at McDonald's and bought more food and sodas. Later we dropped the kids back at Barnes and Nobles while we washed the clothes at a "Laundry and Grill." I had never seen one before. It had a fast food section in the laundromat with TVs and places to sit while you waited for your clothes to finish. A good idea and comfortable.

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